Noticias Vetnil


Noticias Vetnil

Vetnil received another award from Great Place to Work Brasil (GPTW), being among the 20 "Best Companies to Work for in 2020", and now in the São Paulo Ranking - Medium-sized companies in the interior of São Paulo. The award, which had an online ceremony, was held on Thursday (25/02), in partnership with the Gazeta do Povo and the Brazilian Association of Human Resources de São Paulo (ABRH-SP).

The certification had the participation of 815 small, medium and large companies in the interior and metropolitan region of São Paulo, awarding the top 20 in each category. The award was given to companies that value their employees, who think about the work environment, coexistence, leadership, empathy and that give opportunities, and fight discrimination.

Vetnil is a company with 253 employees and emphasizes the importance and gratitude to all employees, in their daily dedication, to make the work environment healthy and prosperous. In addition, it is proud to be among the 20 best companies to work in the São Paulo ranking. The company, which positions itself as a "partner of those who care", follows in strong partnership with its employees, who are day by day giving their best and taking care of every detail to ensure the recognized quality Vetnil.

Sac Brasil: 0800 0109 197 Internacional: 55 19 3848-8500

Av. José Nicolau Stabile, 53 – Burck |
Louveira – SP – CEP: 13294-100 |

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