e Sustentabilidade

APAE Louveira

APAE Louveira is a charitable and non-profit social assistance entity, which works to enable and rehabilitate people with intellectual and multiple disabilities and autism. Founded in 2017 by a group of parents who were on the waiting list for medical and psychological care in the municipality of Louveira (SP), the entity develops actions that contribute to guaranteeing the rights of its target audience, without discrimination of any kind. Its mission is to promote and enable guidance, service provision and advocacy actions that can improve the quality of life of people with disabilities, promoting the construction of a fair and supportive society. Among the actions there is the Voa Bia Project, which, through equine therapy, has contributed to the development of patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Follow the association’s news on Instagram @apae_louveira

Find out more the projects developed by the entity visiting the website:
Cidadania e Sustentabilidade Vetnil

Casa do Vira-Lata

Since its inception, in 2019, “Casa do Vira-Lata” has dedicated its efforts to rescuing and directing the adoption of hundreds of abandoned dogs and cats in cities close to the project’s operations. With two bases in Sao Paulo, one in Guarulhos and another in Ferraz de Vasconcelos, Casa do Vira-Lata’s contribution to the animal cause has gained visibility among defenders and supporters of the rights, health and well-being of pets. Conceived and directed by Gabriel Santos Chaves, an independent protector who, in recent months, has dedicated himself completely to providing essential care to abandoned animals, the project relies on the help of volunteers and professionals in the routine of these animals taken in by the house and which they are waiting for an opportunity for responsible adoption.

Find out a little more about Casa do Vira-Lata’s work on their social networks:
Cidadania e Sustentabilidade Vetnil

Instituto Tamanduá

The Instituto de Pesquisa e Conservação de Tamanduás do Brasil is a non-profit non-governmental organization, whose mission is to develop research, education, and promotion of public policies, aimed at the conservation of anteaters, armadillos, and sloths in the wild and in captivity. Its multidisciplinary team, together with experience in conservation projects and partnerships with institutions around the world, contributes to the commitment, integrity, and quality of its work in favor of conservation.

For more information about the project, visit the website:
Cidadania e Sustentabilidade Vetnil

CAD (Clube Amigos dos Deficientes)

Founded in 2004 by a group of friends, CAD is a non-profit institution that aims to provide the developments of people with disabilities in society through appropriate sport, facilitating the recovery of self-esteem and their integration and social inclusion. One of the entity’s main concerns refers to the quality of life of disabled people who, in many cases, are found at the city’s traffic lights selling candy, asking for money, or even getting involved in illicit activities. CAD, through adapted sports and social activities, enables the physical, psychological, and social rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. For these people, playing a sport, joining a team, competing in a championship means determination, the strength to overcome all your limits and break all expectations. It means living. Be useful. Being a citizen and active part of society.
Cidadania e Sustentabilidade Vetnil


Instituto Nacional de Ações e Terapia Assistida por Animais [National Instituted of Animal-Assisted Actions and Therapy] is a non-governmental organization founded in 2008 with the purpose to promote improvement in the physical, emotional and mental health of elderly people and children by means of the therapeutic benefits from the human-animal relationship. Today, the institution is an exponent in the performance of activities with dogs, upon collaboration from volunteers with or without dogs and professionals from different areas. It has been more than eight years of experience in therapeutic attendance and voluntary actions and currently, the actions developed by INATAA benefit about 400 people a month, children, adolescents, adults and elderly people, in nursing homes and hospital institutions.

Learn more about the great results from the dog therapy on:
Cidadania e Sustentabilidade Vetnil

Mata Ciliar

Associação Mata Ciliar (AMC) was born in 1987 from the concern to preserve the water courses in the countryside of the state of São Paulo - a natural resource, which already suffered from the lack of planning of the public authority and society´s awareness at that time. For recovery of the degraded waters and the riparian forests, a program was developed for production and plantation of native seedlings in rural communities considered the “true water producers” by NGO. In 1997, the work with the fauna started through the Wild Animal Rehabilitation Center (CRAS) and the Center for Preservation of Neotropical Felines (Feline Center). In all these programs, Environmental Education is always included as the main tool for change for a sustainable social-environmental future.

Learn more about he projects developed by NGO:
Cidadania e Sustentabilidade Vetnil

Jaguariúna Horse-Assisted Therapy Center

The mission of Equosuit center is to offer excellence in the neuro-motor rehabilitation of adults and children through the most efficient human rehabilitation techniques, using the benefits of the Therasuit and Horse-Assisted Therapy methods. The Center´s team is multi-functional and experienced, with graduation in horse-assisted therapy by ANDE BRASIL, qualification in neurological rehabilitation and graduation in the Therasuit Method, with certification issued by Izabella Koscielny (the method´s creator). In its physical space, there are air-conditioned rooms, interactive board for better visualization of the videos and equipment for high-quality rehabilitation. The Equosuit rehabilitation center is situated in a stud farm, in a privileged location in the middle of nature. Learn more about this incredible work on:
Cidadania e Sustentabilidade Vetnil


Amalo was founded in 2013 by Priscilla Finamore as a dog hotel. However, as the vacancies were occupied sporadically, the founder decided to use the space to shelter dogs that needed shelter or care. In two years of work with needy animals, NGO was made official and today, it shelters about 150 animals, 80% in adult age and difficult to donate. In addition to the attendance, actions are promoted on awareness about responsible adoption and valuation of the animal life. For this purpose, Priscilla counts on help from the private initiative by means of donation of money and consumables.

Learn more about NGO on its social networks @amalolouveira.
Cidadania e Sustentabilidade Vetnil

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