News Vetnil

Thursday, October 27, 2011


News Vetnil

Vetnil is the champion in Veterinary Product.

This Monday (10/24), the Globo Rural magazine held the seventh edition of the Best in Agribusiness award. The event, which was held in Unique hotel in São Paulo, awarded the companies that stood out the most in 30 segments of agribusiness. The event received about 350 guests and authorities, businessmen and representatives of field-related entities participated.

“The growth of the agricultural and livestock sector depends on people and companies”, the general director of Editora Globo Frederic Zoghaib Kachar highlighted during the award ceremony. The senator Kátia Abreu (DEM-TO), president of the Agriculture and Livestock Confederation in Brazil (CNA), also present, as well as the state secretary of Agriculture of São Paulo, Mônika Bergamaschi, who said that "award the agribusiness is award competitiveness and efficiency”.

Investments in research assured the award in Best in Agribusiness 2011 in the Veterinary Products category to Vetnil. Routinely, the companies invests 7% of the billing in development of products and technologies, Cristiano de Sá, marketing and new business director, informs. Qualified veterinarians, chemists and pharmacists work in own laboratory, in partnership with universities and research institutions, which enables the company to offer veterinary supplements and drugs on the market, the quality of which keeps it at the segment vanguard.

Vetnil keep joint works with Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (Unesp) in Jaboticabal, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF), Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) and Universidade Estadual de Londrina (PR), among other specialized institutes, the marketing director informs.

Founded in 1994 for production of drugs and supplements for equines, the company started diversifying its line 4 years later with articles intended for the pet market.

In 2010, the gross revenues from sales abroad amounted to R$ 1,1 million, double the amount entered in the balance sheet in 2009. The high technology integrated to the company´s products opened the doors to the markets in Latin America. “We also export to Mexico and even the United Emirates”, the Vetnil director informs. “The products, which are demanded by the foreign market the most, are those for equines and pets.”

This is the second time Vetnil receives the Best in Agribusiness award - the first was in 2006 - which, for its president Vera Ribeiro, is a reason to be proud. “After facing so many challenges, this award proves that our company is on the right way towards its development and search for the best products”, she affirms (and watch the video).




Vetnil thanks to everyone, who collaborates every day to the achievement of results like this.

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