Supplement for your horse to gain muscle mass

Do you want to increase your champion’s performance and are in doubt about which is the best supplement for him to gain muscle mass? In this article you will find some supplementation tips to improve your teammate’s performance. Keep reading!

Why invest in a supplement for your horse to gain muscle mass?

A large amount of muscle and a low volume of body fat are relacted to high performance in sports competitions. Horses with this ratio need less effort to move their bodies, which gives them a performance advantage.

How to increase muscle mass in a horse?

First of all, it is necessary to know that many factors influence muscle mass gain in equines. The first of these is the animal’s genetics, but it is not the only one. Horse breeding, especially aspects related to its handling and the intensity of the activities it performs, is fundamental.

In addition, endocrine and dental conditions also interfere with this issue, since the horse may stop eating due to toothaches.

Howere, the most important element for gaining muscle mass continues to be food. To maintain a good body condition, the animal must receive all the nutrients it needs in the propet amount.

Depending on the level of energy that the animal spends on its tasks, the nutritional demand, both energy and protein (which consequently increases the demand for all other nutrients), can almost double in relation to the requirements considered normal.

In these cases, taking a supplement for the horse to gain muscle mass may be the best option.

What is the best supplement for the horse to gain muscle mass?

The best supplement for the horse to gain muscle mass is the one who offer a complete set of nutrients in the composition, such as the products of the Tonnus® line developed by Vetnil®.

The line includes Tonnus®Pó, with elements focused on ensuring resistance; and Tonnus®Pasta, with elements focused on the finishing fase, for pre-competitions, in addition to having important antioxidant elements. All products offer noble elements, which provide energy, recovery and increase in muscle mass, being highly recommended for athletic animals. The use may vary according to the type of competition, but it is important to get to know some of the components present in the entire line, such as:

  • The amino acids Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine, which make up about 1/3 of muscle proteins, helping to recover and increase muscle mass after intense physical effort;
  • Betaine, an ergogenic component, improving muscl strength and endurance;
  • L-carnitine, a mitochondrial cofactor that allowes the use of fatty acids for energy, conserving muscle glycogen, in addition to an antioxidant effect by acting on mitochondrial metabolism;
  • Creatine, which provides energy to the musculature and promotes an easily observable increase in muscle.

Find the distributor closest to you and guarantee the energy supplement to make your horse a champion!



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